Thursday 10 November 2011

Film Review #14: A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas

     It's that time of year folks, break out those stockings and christmas carol books and spend some time with your loved ones this christmastime, and who's more loved than those 2 loveable stoners, Harold and Kumar, who decided to take you along on their wintery hijinks this year.

     A Very Harold And Kumar 3D Christmas takes place roughly 6 years after the duo's Guantanamo Bay adventure and my how things have changed since then, Kumar is about the same, still living in the same apartment (albeit with a new roomate) and still smoking pot at every opportunity. Harold on the other hand has transformed himself into a successful (non-high) businessman with a wife, who's trying to start a family.

     Upon receiving a mysterious package adressed to Harold, despite Kumar and him not exchanging any sort of communication since Harold moved out 2 years prior, he decides to drop the package off at his new place on his way to a party his new roomate Adrian is attending so he can take the virginity of a girl he's been chatting up on the internet. Once they arrive at Harold's, Kumar drops the package on the front step and starts to leave, Harold however spots him and invites him in where he opens the package and in the box contains a huge joint. Kumar lights it and then Harold throws it out the window because they don't smoke in the house, but wind blows it back in and it burns down the christmas tree that Harold's wife, Maria's father (played by the always frightening and imposing Danny Trejo) brought all the way from Mexico because he grew it, and he loves christmas so everything must be perfect.

     Harold insists on handling the tree situation himself and calls his new friend Todd to help him out, Todd reserves the last tree in the state, and everything seems to be fine until Kumar drives past the tree farm and sees the tree that was reserved and offers triple for the tree, so he can give it to his buddy Harold. Unfortunetly that gets wrecked too after they crash and the tree kinda blows up. Have no fear however as this is a Harold and Kumar movie afterall, there is adventure to be had. So they end up making it to the party where Adrian's internet girlfriend, Mary, turns out to be the daughter of a mobster, and a very angry mobster at that when he walks in while Mary is trying to get Harold undressed.

     So of course now they must find a tree, all the while being chased by a russion mobster and his lackeys. Have no fear, they have friends to help them, Rosenberg, Goldstein and of course NPH all make appearances and do whatever they can to help their buddies.

     Now full disclosure here, I did not see this movie in 3D, in fact I don't watch any movies in 3D anymore because I feel that fad has ran it's course, I'm pretty sure Resident Evil 4 was the last movie I had seen in 3D. However while watching the film you can tell there isn't much to be offered by the 3D, in fact it seems they make fun of 3D movies more than anything, so really what you're paying extra for is to see how ridiculous it is to pay an extra $3.00 for the 3D experience.

     While we're being honest here, I wasn't a huge fan of the first 2 movies in the franchise. I thought the first one was good for what it was a random stoner comedy, good for a watch every couple years or so. The second one I didn't enjoy at all, it was what all the other stoner comedies were but on a lower level. This one, I'm not sure if it's the christmas spirit, but I think this was the best one of the 3. I felt like in this one we see a softer side to both characters, Kumar struggling with the loss of his best friend and the break-up/pregnancy of Vanessa and Harold trying to balance family life and a social life, all the while keeping everything safe. It's because of this that the whole movie seems a little more, dare I say, "deeper."

     It's been a few years since we've been graced with a good christmas movie, so unless you hate puppies and unicorns, you really have no reason not to see this movie. Oh and while we're on the subject of Christmas I've decided you can all pitch in and get me a waffle bot. Thanks in advance. - Conscious

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