Saturday 7 January 2012

Film Review 15: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

     The Girl With The dragon Tattoo... lets start this off right, I've seen three new movies in as many weeks, Sherlock Holmes, Mission Impossible, and now this and only this has driven me to the point where I think I should write about it, if just to sort out my jumbled thoughts on the whole affair.

     Starting chronologically, the intro credit sequence was absolute artistic brilliance, dark, oily, and sporting more techno bondage and torture than one could or at least should put in the first five minutes of a film, or so I thought. Not only that but it was set to a remake of Led Zeppelin's the Immigrant Song (not sure who by but forgive me for not caring enough to find out). From there we move to a scene in front of a courthouse, our main character, or at least one of them is a reporter who has recently been charged with libel, now (again forgive me for forgetting the characters name, but at the very least I can tell you it was Daniel Craig) Mike (*Mikael Blomkvist*) we'll call him is currently chasing his life down the proverbial shitter, having lost his life savings and his reputation because he didn't have enough evidence to substantiate a claim against some corporate bigwig. We then cut to the intro scene for Mara Rooney's character, (again some swedish adaptation of a name I won't even bother to recall) (*Lisbeth Salander*) she apparently works for as a private investigator, using her considerable talents as a hacker and stalker to sneak into peoples lives and houses to gather information for the higghest bidder. Anywho Mara's character is apparently "different" which means she's been raised socially awkward, she has more piercings and tattoos than I would want to locate and she might be slightly insane. So she just finished investigating Craig's character for the former owner of the company that "built Sweden" of course in parenthesis, his name is Henrik Vanger (the only one I remember, and played by Christopher Plumber) and his family is a little... well corrupt. This is where the already thick plot turns to molasses and if you haven't had your brain food you'll get lost. short story goes as follows (follow along now); 1. Fucked up family comprised of Nazis, murders, rapists, and the like 2. Accident in town, distracts family from the fact one child is missing 3. Child is missing presumably dead, body is never found even after extensive searches of the grounds and surrounding areas 4. Although they say she's dead Henrik hasn't given up hope and has hired Mike to solve the mystery, all the while more and more unfortunate events pile up one our protagonists making life a serious bitch. Get it? Yeah me either.

       So it goes without saying that there's more to the plot than that, seriously if you want more read the book or go watch the bleeding movie, its time for my overall opinions on more than which scarf to wear. So, cinematography: excellent, the locals are brilliants, most likely shot on location in Sweden, and I never got the feeling there was an angle we were missing. Plot: bloody and thick, just the way I like my girls. Music: excellent, apparently it was by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, the dream team responsible for many a rainy day at my house. It used a lot of emphasis notes, many mid range extended tones marking certain situations and I would say it was as complex as the movie itself. Casting: excellent I mean I'm still not sure why Daniel Craig agreed to play this role, but then again why was he in Cowboys and Aliens? And as for Mara Rooney, could someone please help me decide whether she is actually hot or those torture scenes where just tickling my inner sociopath.

      If you haven't figured it out yet I haven't read the novel, or any of the series for that matter, for some reason I had it in my head that these were some teen drama novels not raunchy tales of murder and anal rape, that being said I'm not entirely sure I would like to read them now. I mean I've been sitting here for a good hour now trying to figure out whether the movie was worth eight bucks or not and I'm not entirely sure I'll figure it out. Its just one of those movies that somehow manages to lull you into a sense of security then destroy all the happy feelings you were expecting to have. The ending in particular was horrible for this, it should have ended when they found the girl, simple, happy, done, but no it went on to more espionage and foul play and then ended with Daniel Craig breaking the heart of the girl you had come to have actual empathetic feelings for. Daniel Craig I know you didn't write this part but fuck you, seriously, you should feel horrible for what your character did... actually now that I've written that I feel kind of bad myself you had no say in it for sure but man, you need to choke the screen writer or who ever adapted the book to film cause I'm not sure I'm going to get over how fucking dark and depressing this movie really was. Seriously I almost unwittingly took my mother with me to see this film, bad enough I had to share and armrest and a bag of popcorn with my father as Mara Rooney was screaming and being chained to a bed.

     Overall, the darkness of this film worked for the intro, and managed to hold back for about half an hour, then the sexual harassment kicked in and this movie did things I usually keep locked up in my basement. But it had its ups, funny moments even, but I think myself and the theater full of middle aged couples were all laughing to try and convince ourselves we weren't like the characters on screen. So for the money I would say its worth watching, if you have a night and a bottle of wine to waste pondering whether Mara Rooney is hot or not... Oh and for future reference, no anal rape please. Cheers.


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